A Home, a Center, a Chance at Life with Adoption, Tulsa

by | Apr 15, 2014 | Adoption

All those years ago, Moses, one of the greatest leaders in the Bible, was adopted from the river. He grew up as a leader in an unknown culture, but was ostracized and removed from the land. But God had a calling for him, and he returned to follow out His orders. When God placed Moses in an adoptive family, it was to further his will. In essence, the same applies to every child-even those adopted.

The Lilyfield Adoption Tulsa Organization cherishes every single child and every single mother that walks through the doors. God has a plan for everyone, and by believing in Him and believing in what we do every day, there is a path that can be followed for the child that honors God.

It may be painful now. As a matter of fact, many mothers come in completely torn by the decision they face. Do they give the child to a new mother? Are they ready to tackle the responsibilities of being a parent?

Through all this contemplation, the one person that should never be punished is the child. The organization comforts mothers and bridges the gap, making adoption a viable and open option. There are aspiring mothers and fathers (or current parents) that are no longer able to have children, or were never able to have them in the first place. There are many families looking to add another child to their family, and Adoption Tulsa can be the place to make this happen. Everyone benefits, including the child that has a chance at life. Most people should look at adoption as a gift. It is an opportunity to give the gift of life to another family. And just like Moses was found in the river, a child can be placed into a loving adoptive family through Lilyfield.

Mothers who are pregnant and interested in adoption can visit the website and ask any questions they may have. It is all about God’s will and giving the opportunity of life to every child.

For more information, visit us.

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