Excellent Energy Conservation Tips from Seasoned Technician in Air Conditioning Repair in Davenport FL

by | Jul 23, 2014 | Heating and Air Conditioning

Utility bills take a large portion of home expenditure. There are measures that can be taken to save on the cost, with up to a 30 percent reduction in costs. This requires a few adjustments and can be done without installing expensive appliances within the house.

Insulation at the Attic

This is one area that determines the penetration of heat in and out of a building. Proper insulation must be provided to contain the heat from outside and conserve most of what is already within the house. This is achieved through installation of a proper attic floor and the right materials on the rafters.

Air Leaks

Drafty houses cause leakage of air, which affects the ability to have a constant temperature within the house. Leakage comes through air conditioners mounted on walls, fireplace dampers, door baseboards and windows, among other areas. Experts in Air Conditioning Repair in Davenport FL offer excellent tips during design and installation to prevent the leaks.


Insulating the attic helps to keep cool air in and hot air out. Similar measures should be taken on other parts of your house with numerous options depending on your environment. Such measures will qualify you for tax breaks because of their energy conservation benefits.

Ceiling Fans

The right ceiling fans ensure that air circulation is achieved. The cooling effect arises from the fact that there is movement of air within the house. Experts in design ensure that the fans are strategically positioned to make them more effective.

Regular Maintenance

All air conditioning equipment should be checked on a regular basis and tuned to restore their efficiency. Regular checks by experts in Air Conditioning Repair in Davenport FL at least once a year is recommended. Maintenance includes vacuuming to make the coils more sensitive and thus more effective.

The technicians working on all equipment and appliances are professionally trained and accredited. You should contact them in case you experience any problem with your appliance or system. Charles M Watts AC is one of the reputable companies that will provide excellent services on all AC systems and models. More information can be obtained from Watts AC

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