Home Improvement in Lubbock, TX That Benefits Your Health

by | Oct 21, 2013 | Roofing

Common home improvements projects can do everything from add value to your home to make your dwelling more aesthetically pleasing. Completing a home improvement project that can offer major health benefits can be vital to a long life and the comfort of your family. The following are a few ideas for Home Improvement in Lubbock, TX that can benefit your overall health.

Hot Tub

Installing a hot tub can give you the ability to just wash away all of your worries at the end of a stressful day. Hot tubs can also help increase your blood circulation and are great for calming your nerves. If you suffer from debilitating back problems, you can use the hot tub to help loosen tightened back muscles, which can offer you a great deal of pain relief. Although purchasing the hot tub can be a costly affair, the health benefits that are offered by this addition are worth their weight in gold.


The older the flooring in your home gets, the more health issues it can cause for you and your family. People with asthma or severe allergies can be greatly affected by built up debris that gathers over a period of time in your carpeting. Carpeting is notorious for holding in such harmful elements as mold and dust mites, which can be deadly depending on the type of mold that it is. By ripping up the carpet and replacing it with hardwood laminate, you will reduce the amount of harmful allergens that are stored in your home.

Lead Removal

Many homes that were constructed before the late 70’s have a high risk of containing harmful lead based paint. The lead in the paint can flake off in chips and even make its way into the soil outside of your home. Many respiratory illnesses can be caused or made worse by long term exposure to lead based paints.

If you need help with some of these healthy home improvements, you can call the knowledgeable staff at Hub City Homeworks. They can offer you over 17 years of experience in all sorts of Home Improvement in Lubbock, TX and painting projects. Hub City Homeworks can also help you detect any lead based paint that may be hiding in your home.

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