Where Do The Best College Marketing Ideas Come From?

by | Sep 8, 2014 | Business

When it comes to college marketing ideas you will find that there is a lot of conflicting information online and in blogs. Often you see statements that college kids are almost impossible to market to because of their limited income, their unique lifestyle and their focus on their education and future instead of on the present.

These are real considerations when you are selecting college marketing ideas, but they are not limitations as to how effective a college marketing campaign can be. In fact, by understanding these unique features of this target audience you can tap into their interests, their areas of focus, and their daily lives on campus.

Talking and Listening

The best college marketing ideas are often found in direct communication and conversation with college students themselves. Having focus groups, meeting with college students and getting their ideas on what forms of marketing works is much more effective than trying to simply reproduce a marketing campaign for the general population on a college campus.

Keep in mind that students talking about your product to other students, or representing your products at events, shows and fairs on campus, is still one of the most powerful college marketing ideas. College aged students are more comfortable in taking recommendations from and listening to peers rather than to company representatives that have little in common with their current lifestyle.

Use Specialized Companies

One of the best sources of college marketing ideas are college marketing companies that have a strong on-campus presence and already have a network of students to tap into. This allows you, as the business or company marketing director, to utilize existing networks and to also have true experts about what marketing works with the college age group.

Utilizing specialized campus marketing companies for your college marketing ideas helps prevent you from making costly mistakes in running or coordinating a college advertising program. Since these companies are involved on an ongoing basis on campuses, they have a good history of the diversity and uniqueness of each school. They can tell you what works, what doesn’t and what you can expect throughout your campaign.

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