Main Points of Dental Implants in Crestwood, KY

by | Jan 31, 2014 | Dentist

In modern dentistry, any missing or no longer decent tooth can now be replaced with an implant. This will ensure that the full functionality of that tooth, and the space it sits in, is maintained. The avoidance of prosthetic implants are associated with natural teeth, and fixed prostheses can be realized in the form of crown and bridge restorations. Removable dentures can be stabilized by implants. If you think you are a good candidate for Dental Implants in Crestwood, KY, please continue reading.

Benefits and reliability

A dental implant is an artificial tooth root, imitating the old tooth after a loss or extraction. It is tasked with restoring the aesthetic and biological functionality of the old tooth. An implant is the only form of therapy used in the manufacture of dental prostheses, preventing the damage of healthy teeth. The avoidance of prosthesis is only possible if implants take on the task of several missing teeth. Implants have proven themselves for over 40 years, and now have a higher than average success rate of 95%. With the ever-improving success of dental technology, implants can last a lifetime -; literally. Just in the United States alone, over 500,000 implants are placed per year.

Diagnostics and material reliability

The latest X-ray technology in digital volume tomography allows a three-dimensional representation of biological structures. This gives dentists a reliable assessment of a patient’s bone structure, which increases the chance of correct implant placement. It also greatly increases the predictability of the treatment, in terms of precision. This reduces the risk of injuring healthy adjacent teeth, nerves, or other healthy structures.
A precise diagnosis is essential to enable a long-term therapeutic success. The materials used for implants are based on the expert selection and experienced application of dental experts. And it is these materials that provide successful implantation over the long term. Thus, dysfunction and incompatibilities are avoided.

The consistent implementation of digital diagnostic procedures guarantee the perfect realization of treatment planning. Magnifying visual aids, microsurgical instruments and methods allow for a perfect treatment. The wound area is as small as possible, reducing wound symptoms, such as pain and swelling, to a minimum. For more information about Dental Implants in Crestwood, KY, contact your local dentist today.

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