Facts about Teeth Whitening in Lawnside

by | Jan 22, 2014 | Dental Services

Tooth whitening products and dental healthcare professionals now go hand-in-hand, especially within the past couple of decades. When whitening was first used by dentists, it was very expensive, and it was used on a trial-by-error basis. In fact, some countries stepped in to avoid risks arising from the lack of supervision or its misuse. In today’s society, Teeth Whitening in Lawnside is one of the most common Cosmetic Dentistry procedures available.

There are improved techniques for tooth whitening. Currently, the method is perfect for those looking for a therapeutic alternative that is conservative, safe and effective to home bleaching. It meets the aesthetic needs of the patient, regardless of gender and age. The technique involves using chemicals of an extra-dental application (external bleaching for vital teeth) or intra-dental (internal bleaching non-vital teeth or endodontic). These act on pigments responsible for the tooth’s discoloration, doing so without damaging the enamel.

There are a number of factors and situations that can cause Teeth Whitening in Lawnside to not be considered adequate. With age, a modification/physiological darkening of teeth occurs. Influences of things like coffee, tea, food dyes and other substances, such as tobacco and certain medications (tetracyclines) can also contribute to tooth discoloration. The best way to determine what can cause harm to your teeth is to visit your dentist and schedule a consult.

Indications and contraindications

You can whiten teeth that have been darkened or stained due to congenital or physiological reasons. However, there are a few unfavorable cases where a satisfactory result is not obtained. This is because of serious dental issues that the dentist has to correct first before you undergo the whitening treatment.

One must remember that dental whitening has relative contraindications, especially in cases of sensitive teeth, periodontal disease or pyorrhea. There are also cases where it is absolutely contraindicated, for instance when a person has a cavity or if there are untreated cases of unprotected areas of the tooth, defects in enamel formation and during pregnancy. In these cases, it is better to wait to have the procedure until the problems are resolved.

If you are interested in learning more about Teeth Whitening in Lawnside, or you have questions about other dental procedures, contact your local dentist today.

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