How Braces Can Benefit Your Health

by | Apr 5, 2013 | Dentist

There are several reasons to get braces in Victor NY. The prospect of having a more attractive smile is definitely one of those benefits. Having an attractive smile is beneficial for many reasons. It influences the way you feel about yourself, which in turn influences your outlook on life, your ability to cope with stress, and even your ability to resist diseases. It can affect your energy level and your excitement for life. It will also influence the way others look at you and treat you, which can have an effect on career success and social interactions. Enhancing the attractiveness of your facial features is an important reason to get braces.

However, changing your look is not the only reason to get braces in Victor NY. Untreated orthodontic problems can lead to health problems. So orthodontic treatment is important, not only for your image, but also for your health.

Untreated orthodontic problems can have a profound negative domino effect on health. Misaligned teeth can be hard to clean thoroughly and properly. Teeth and gums that are not thoroughly cleaned are much more likely to result in tooth day and gum disease, which can lead to tooth loss. Tooth loss in turn leads to other problems. With the inability to chew food adequately, the diet is altered, resulting in deficiencies in important and essential nutrients. This leads to health problems that affect all the systems of the body, including the immune system, the endocrine system, the respiratory and circulatory systems and more. Preventing hygiene difficulties with braces in Victor NY can help prevent these very serious health problems.

Untreated orthodontic issues can also lead to headaches and bone deterioration. When the top teeth are misaligned with the bottom teeth, there is extra stress placed on the joints and bones and muscles of the jaw. This can cause stiffness in the jaw, as well as frequent and painful headaches, and bone and tissue deterioration due to damaging wear on the bones and joints.

Orthodontic treatment can include braces, or other less invasive treatments. The duration of the treatment varies from person to person, but it usually lasts from about one to three years. For some lucky individuals, treatment only takes about 6 months, while others may have to be treated for longer than 3 years. This depends partly on the individual orthodontic issues being treated, and the patient’s willingness to regularly use elastic bands, or prescribed headgear.

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