How to Tell When Your Parents Need To Move To an Assisted Living Facility

by | Mar 13, 2014 | Retirement Home

If your parents are like many other elderly people in America, they want to stay in their own home as long as possible. They may have had a bad experience with a nursing home when their own parents were aging or they may simply want to remain in the home that they have lived in for decades. Unfortunately, as people age, they lose some of their ability to take care of themselves.

It is important to pay attention to the way your parents take care of themselves and their home. If you notice changes in the your parents’ grooming or that their home is not as clean as it normally is, you may need to have a conversation with them about getting some assistance. You will need to find out the type of help and the extent of help your parents need in order to know if they need to move into an assisted living facility.

In many cases, seniors can remain in their homes with the help of family members or home healthcare workers. If they only need some assistance with running errands and cleaning their home, your parents may be able to manage for a long time with moving out of their house. However, if after talking to your parents and observing their self and home care, you think that they may be developing memory impairment, it could be time to look into an assisted living facility.

Assisted living facilities are designed to give residents as much independence as they can handle. Your parents will have their own apartment that is large enough for them to bring many of treasured belongings from home. A 24-hour staff at Elk Ridge Village Active Retirement Community will ensure that your parents’ physical and emotion needs are met. They can choose from a variety of interesting activities to keep them busy throughout the day and can depend on the nursing staff to make sure they are well-groomed and their apartment is clean and tidy.

When determining whether you parents need to leave their home, be sure to take their feelings into consideration and involve them in the process as much as possible. Seniors should tour the facilities before they choose their new home to ensure they are comfortable with the staff and environment.


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