Saving Energy by Purchasing Replacement Windows in Washington, D.C.

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In older homes, windows are often the main culprits of heat loss during the winter. They are also a source of sweltering summer temperatures, being responsible for 25% to 50% of energy use when heating and cooling homes. Buying Replacement Windows in Washington, D.C. can save you plenty of money in the long run, if you purchase the right kind. To improve energy efficiency, here is how you can replace your windows:

* Design: Consider the sizes, types, characteristics and placement of windows. This is an integral part of the overall design of the house. Try to reduce the number of windows on the east and west sides of the home to prevent heat gain during the summer. Protect your house from light using eaves, awnings or vegetation. Limit the use of skylights, as they add more heat during the summer and leak during the winter.

* Energy efficiency: Use the guidelines of the Energy Star program to choose windows that offer better performance. This is the case when purchasing Master Seal Doors, too.

* Replace windows properly: Windows are energy efficient only if the air is not being filtered by them. In other words, they must be air-tight. Professionals that Install Replacement Windows in Washington, D.C. spray open spaces (between the window frame and the wall frame) with expansion foam.


The SHGC is the fraction of solar radiation admitted through a window, transmitted directly and/or absorbed by the assembly of a window, and then released as heat inside the house. The lower a window’s SHGC, the less solar heat transmits and the greater its ability to provide shade. A window with a high SHGC is more effective to collect solar heat during the winter. A window with a low SHGC is more effective at reducing cooling loads during the summer by blocking heat from the sun. SHGC varies between 0 and 1.

Air filtration

Air leakage is a measure of the rate of air leakage around the window in the presence of a specific pressure difference on both sides of the window. This issue is expressed in units of cubic feet per minute, per square foot of area framed. A window with a low degree of filtration air is sealed to a window with a higher rate of air filtration. Air leaks are usually less than 1. For more information on Replacement Windows in Washington, D.C., Contact Master Seal today.