The Many Uses of Rigging Supplies in CT

by | Apr 10, 2014 | Business

Rigging Supplies in CT include plate clamps, rollers, shackles, lifting magnets, hydraulic jack, rams and air bags that are used in the act of rigging. Engineered technology has recently made it possible to design rigging automated equipment with inbuilt sensors that alert you in case of overloading for best practice. Visit website for more information.

Associated with the shipping industry of old, rigging referred to the process of pulling and lifting the masts, yards and sails with the help of chains, pulleys and ropes. Through innovation, rigging has since come a long way with tools used nowadays being, better, safer and efficient than the original equipment.

There are other industries that rely on the same mechanism like:

Theatre – Rigging is used in theatres around the world for theatre companies, schools and universities and is mostly used to control the stage curtain. Gone are the days manual rigging was the only option for dropping the curtain after a performance, with new technology, it can be automated and controlled with a remote or push button. Most theatres mix the two options to get the best of both in case of failure of one or the other.

Aircraft–For maximum and safe performance, aeroplanes use rigging equipment like cables, hydraulic jacks and rollers for the flight’s control surfaces that run the engine for smooth flying. It is also used in the landing gear.

Construction Sites- Handled by riggers, to get any work done, construction sites rely heavily on rigging which involves the secure heavy lifting and moving of massive construction materials using wire and synthetic ropes, shackles and hooks attached to cranes. Roads and bridge contractors also require rigging services to move heavy concrete and steel materials.

Manufacturers– Industrial plants like water treatment plants, printing plants, electric power plant and others require rigging equipment to move and lift heavy equipment and loads. Mostly, industries use lifting magnets like industrial ones to move things that are unreachable through the standard rigging equipment.

Operating rigging supplies in CT should be left to personnel trained and well versed in this delicate area to avoid accidents. Trained personnel know the safety checklist which includes:

* Factory helmets should be worn at all times.

* Making sure switch limits are not surpassed. The load should be of the right weight.

* Load should be centred for balance.

* Hooks should be locked completely to avoid slipping of the load which is hazardous.

* Any other related rigging hardware is double checked before use.

Get in touch with Bilco Wire Rope & Supply Corp. for more details.

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