The Right Gardening Tool Set Will Make It Easier to Maintain a “Green Thumb”

by | Dec 15, 2014 | Shopping

Keeping your garden and yard looking beautiful can be challenging not only time-wise but also physically. However, having the right tools can make you job easier while not compromising the quality and appearance of your property. This article highlights the various tools that make for a perfect gardening tool set.

One of the most helpful tools you could add to your gardening tool set is a tool known as the WOLF-Garten DAS Crumbler. This tool is essentially a combination of a cultivator and pendulum weeder. It strips weeds and soil in addition to cultivating the growing area. You can use this tool both during the fall and the spring to turn a garden bed, and it can be used during the summer to rid your garden of annoying weeds. The tool is even useful for blending fertilizer, compost and mulch in a single, easy and comfortable motion.

Roller Rake and Garden Rake
A dethatching roller rake is also an ideal took for helping to keep your yard healthy and tidy. The rake has curved tines made of steel, which easier clear away left-behind grass clippings, thatch and moss from you yard. The tool is designed to permit ample fertilizer, water, sunshine and air to enter your law so that your grass stays healthy. Its wheels make it even easier to complete the dethatching process. A lightweight garden rake is also helpful for clearing your law efficiently and quickly. The rake has more than 20 tines made of steel that allow you to work less by collecting all lawn debris with fewer strokes, thanks to its combination of long and short strokes. This rake is perfect for use on lawns but also can be used on driveways, paths and patios, thus making it a multifaceted tool for yard care.

Branch Hook
A branch hook is yet another valuable tool for the yard. This tool is helpful for removing pesky branch cuttings that are high up over your yard or garden. You can even use the hook to remove snow loads from your trees and even shaking your fruit trees when it’s harvest time. Regardless of your yard and gardening need, a superior company will guide you toward the right tool – one that will make your job easier and thus more pleasurable from one season to the next.

BlueStone Garden Inc. offers a variety of tools for your custom gardening tool set. You can learn more about the company’s tools by visiting website.

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