Tips for Choosing Body Jewelry

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When it comes to body jewelry, not all options are created equally. There are also a number of different options when it comes to selecting jewelry for your piercing. It is important that you understand where you can find quality jewelry and what to look for. This will allow you to purchase high-quality jewelry, at an affordable cost. Keep in mind, no matter what type of body jewelry that you ultimately purchase, taking proper care of it and keeping it clean is essential.

Learn the Lingo

If you are new to the world of body piercings, you may think that to find a belly button ring, you simply ask for just that. However, the proper terminology for this type of jewelry is barbell or curved barbell. When you know the proper terms, it will make the shopping process much easier and ensure that you find exactly what you are looking for.

Learn about Basic Body Jewelry Options

When you begin looking for body jewelry, you will quickly realize the plethora of options that are available. Some of the most common options include: barbells – circular, curved or straight; captive ball rings; and plugs. Some other options that you can choose from include talons, claws, spirals, pinchers, eyelets, twists, septums, nose bones, nose screws and labrets.

Determine the Needs of Your Piercing

The majority of body jewelry options are able to be worn with a number of different piercings. For example nose screws and labrets are able to be worn in the ears. However, a surface piercing should only use a surface bar, or it may create serous issues for the location of the piercing, such as infection.

Determine the Proper Size

When you purchase any type of Body Piercing Rings you should ensure that they offer the appropriate wearable area. The actual diameter of a ring will be measured on the interior, which is the length of the barbell in between the balls.

Do Not Change Piercings that are Not Yet Healed

The length of healing time for your piercing will be dependent on its location. For example, a naval piercing can take between six and 12 months to fully heal. If you come to the point where you must have the piercing changed prior to it being fully healed, it is essential that you allow a professional to make the change.

When you begin looking for Body Piercing Rings, visit the Body Jewelry website to browse the huge selection that is available.