Understanding the Advantages of Full Time Kindergarten in Surprise, AZ

by | Jan 14, 2022 | Education

A family may have planned on homeschooling a particularly bright child, worrying that this student won’t be challenged enough in public school. Financial circumstances can change, though, essentially forcing both parents to work full-time. Parents who feel hesitant about enrolling their little one into the local school might be interested in a charter program with special features. An online search for “full time kindergarten near me in Surprise, AZ,” uncovers an option like this.

A Brief History

Attending half-day kindergarten was substantially more typical until the 1980s. With society’s changes over generations, more children began attending preschool and full-time kindergarten. One-parent households became relatively common. In two-parent homes, the lifestyle of both adults working full time became prevalent. Preschool and full-day kindergarten were necessary for these households.

Distinct Advantages for Children

Those who had hoped to avoid this situation may find the family in circumstances where the five-year-old must attend school for the full day. The parents will feel reassured to learn that a full time kindergarten near me in Surprise, AZ, has distinct advantages for the children as well as for the income earners.

The National Association of School Psychologists reports numerous benefits of high-quality full-day kindergarten programs. Students have the opportunity for more individualized instruction and attention from teachers. They are readier for first grade, and their reading skills are better on average. In fact, the NASP could not find any negative consequences of full-time programs for children in general.

Anyone interested in enrolling their young children in a full-time program may begin with the website https://www.calibreacademy.com.

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