What You Need To Know About Fleas Control

by | Sep 26, 2014 | Pest Control

One of the most uncomfortable situations you can face in the home is dealing with pest infestation. Fleas are some of the common household pests. They are usually common in households that have pets such a cats and dogs. The worst thing about having to deal with fleas is that they are very difficult and tricky to control. However, with the help of experts, Fleas Control in the home is possible.

What you should know about fleas

Adult fleas need to feed on human blood so that they can reproduce. Fleas therefore jump around from one place to the other looking for a host. Fleas do not have eyes. They recognize a host by the smell of carbon dioxide. This means that they just jump blindly from one spot to the next in an attempt to get a host.

How does a house become infested?

As mentioned, the most common culprits when it comes to pest infestations are cats and dogs. These animals get fleas if they are exposed in situations where they interact with infected pets. As a pet owner, you should therefore be very careful about the pet care centers you are taking your cat or dog. There are some circumstances where pets can interact during a walk but for the fleas to be transferred, the time of contact should be long enough. Failure to vet the source of the fleas will lead to recurrence of the problem after an initial extermination.

Why hire experts?

Attempting to deal with fleas on your own will lead to frustrations and could even put the health of your pets and family members at risk. When you allow experts to handle the extermination process:

1. You will be assured that they are using the latest extermination techniques to handle the problem.

2. They will help you find out the reason the infestation is happening, and this will lessen chances of the problem recurring.

These are some of the things that you need to know when it comes to Fleas Control. In case you are having a flea problem in your home, contact Triple AAA American Exterminators. You can visit us for details.

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